IEA Software, Inc.

IEA Software Knowledge Base - ID:55722

IEA Knowledge base

Emerald (KB ID: 55722)

Jun 6 2005

Is there a way for Emerald to enforce Unique checking for Email addresses entered into the services Email field similiar to the checking done for the Login field?

Jun 6 2005

We recommend using the Login field combined with selecting the correct mail domain in the customers service as the users Email address rather than entering an Email address in the email field. Doing this Emerald assumes Login@maildomain for all email notification and provisioning tasks. This requires less data entry/chance for error - especially when the same service is also to be used to provide network access.

If however you must use the Email field and would like E-mail to follow the same unique checking rules as the Logon field you can Enable this by running the following query from the Admin/Database/SQL Query menu:

UPDATE MetaColumns SET MetaRuleID = 3
FROM MetaColumns mc, MetaTables mt
WHERE mc.MetaTableID = mt.MetaTableID
AND mt.TableName = 'SubAccounts'
AND mc.ColumnName = 'Email'

To return to Emeralds default behavior:

UPDATE MetaColumns SET MetaRuleID = 6
FROM MetaColumns mc, MetaTables mt
WHERE mc.MetaTableID = mt.MetaTableID
AND mt.TableName = 'SubAccounts'
AND mc.ColumnName = 'Email'

After clicking the execute query button the screen will not visably change or give you a success message. This is normal. In order for the change to be visible to Emerald click 'Reset Query Cache' followed by 'Reload Config' from the Admin/Web Config menu within Emerald.