IEA Software, Inc.

IEA Software Knowledge Base - ID:55380

IEA Knowledge base

Emerald External (KB ID: 55380)

Jan 2 2005

After upgrading from Imail 8.13 or earlier to Imail 8.14 or later my Imail web interface, admin and calendaring functions stopped working. Is Emerald compatible with version 8.14 or later?

Apr 18 2005

Additional changes have been made starting with Imail version 8.20 which requires an updated emerauth module (4.5.12 or later) to support Imail 8.20 or later. If you install IMail 8.20 or later without the update - Imail SMTP agent will not recognize any Emerald accounts. When avaliable this update can be downloaded from the following URL:

Note after installing any new version of Imail you should verify the Imail version registry key has been updated correctly. This ensures the proper behavior for the version of Imail installed.


Jan 2 2005

Changes were made to the IMail external authentication API starting with version 8.l4 making the IMail API incompatible with previous versions. If you currently have Emerald 4.5.10 or earlier an updated emerauth module (4.5.11) with support for Imail versions 6 thru 8.14+ is avaliable from our ftp site:

The archive replaces the existing eaadmn.exe and emerauth.dll files located in the Emerald folder. The EmerAuth Admin service and all Imail services must be stopped before replacing the files.

Emerauth depends on the following Imail registry key:

This key determines the current version of IMail installed. The key must correctly reflect the version of Imail being used or EmerAuth may fail to provide the proper API support for Imail.

IPSwitch and IEA have reached an agreement to notify us of any future IMail API changes prior to release. Please read the release notes included with any future IMail release to determine if an updated EmerAuth module is required to support a future version of IMail.